Track PHP7

[:fr]Une troisième track entièrement dédiée à PHP7

Une nouvelle version majeure du langage sort à la fin de l’année 2015. Timing parfait pour le Forum PHP 2015, qui en profite pour ouvrir, pour la première fois de son histoire, une troisième track.

Ainsi, le lundi 23 novembre, toute la journée, une track entière aura pour sujet PHP7, ses innovations, les progrès, les nouvelles possibilités qu’il offre. Et évidemment, pour animer ces conférences, on vous réserve la crème de la crème, la core-team des développeurs de cette nouvelle version : le créateur du langage Rasmus Lerdorf, Zeev Suraski, Ferenc Kovacs, Nikita Popov, Derick Rethans, Remi Collet, Anatol Belski, Kalle Sommer Nielsen, Julien Pauli, Bob Weinand et Pierre Joye.php7-elroubio

Conférences de 30 minutes ou 45 minutes, présence de ces speakers et développeurs d’exception durant tout le Forum PHP 2015, nous ne pouvions pas rêver mieux pour célébrer cette version majeure de PHP, et les 20 ans du langage.


KARMA IS MY HELL by Ferenc Kovács
Salle de commission 23/11/2015 09:30-10:00

A bit of history of the VCS systems, introducing the acl/karma system and the current repository setup and the special problems/unique challenges we had when migrating to git.

CONTRIBUTING TO PHP.NET by Kalle Sommer Nielsen
Salle de commission 23/11/2015 10:00-10:30 is an ever organic community and always welcomes new contributors. In this presentation we will take a closer look at what the inside of the community looks like and how you can contribute. We will look at the various projects within the umbrella, how to write tests, documentation and contributor resources.

THE PHP 7 STORY by Zeev Suraski
Amphitéâtre Moebius 23/11/2015 11:00-11:45

PHP 7 is literally right around the corner, and in fact should already be out by the time this session takes place! With the previous major release of PHP having happened more than a decade ago, this is a very exciting milestone in PHP’s history that promises to bring both far-reaching performance boosts for real world workloads and a host of new features. In this session, Zeev will share the evolution of PHP’s major versions, the behind-the-scenes story of how PHP 7 came to be and its key benefits and features.

Auditorium Lucienne et André Blin 23/11/2015 11:45-12:15

In this talk, I am explaining how we went from supporting a legacy driver for one language engine (PHP) to an architecture where multiple language engines are supported. This is the tale of the new MongoDB driver for PHP and HHVM. We started off with one massively complex (and legacy) driver. The goal was an easy to maintain extension. In our case that became a joint venture between core drivers (in C/C++), and a user-land supporting library in PHP. Because there are now other engines that run PHP, such as HHVM and PHP 7, the only real work that needs to be done for porting to a new engine is the basic core driver. This talk explains the choices, considerations and issues that we ran into while developing the driver to work with multiple engines; and our first steps supporting Facebook’s HHVM.

Salle de commission 23/11/2015 14:30-15:00

Comment fonctionne la collaboration entre les projects (upstream) et les distributions (downstream). – attente des distributions – bénéfice pour les projets – distribution des binaires (PHP, et les extensions PECL) – distribuer les bibliothèques PHP dans un monde dominé par composer a-t-il encore du sens – distribution en .phar, quand upstream fait le boulot de downstream – Koschei ou l’intégration continue de la pile PHP dans Fedora

Salle de commission 23/11/2015 15:00-15:30

This topic applies actually to any project retaining to be available cross platform. The talk occupies itself with how the interoperability question is handled in PHP. The primary focus lays on the low level differences between Linux/Windows. The expected audience are people interested to keep their PHP projects cross platform aware. As well – people interested on several internals details going under the carpet. As well – low level minded people like PHP extension or SAPI developers. Besides the general internal details, the recent changes to PHP7 in areas 64-bit support and thread safety are going to be addressed.

Amphitéâtre Moebius 23/11/2015 15:30-16:15

Ce sujet traite des détails techniques internes concernant les objets PHP. Que fait PHP lorsque je crée un objet ? Combien d’objets maximum puis-je créer ? Quelle mémoire PHP y alloue-t-il ? Quand est-ce que PHP libère la mémoire de mes objets ? Comment fonctionnent les classes et les traits ? Que dire des destructeurs d’objets ? Toutes ces questions trouveront réponse dans cette présentation ayant pour but de vous montrer ce qu’il se passe sous le capot lorsque vous manipulez vos frameworks préférés au jour le jour.

Amphitéâtre Moebius 23/11/2015 16:45-17:30

One of the main selling points of PHP 7 is greatly improved performance, with many real-world applications now running twice as fast… But where do these improvements come from? At the core of PHP 7 lies an engine rewrite with focus on improving memory usage and performance. This talk provides an overview of the most significant changes, briefly covering everything from data structure changes, over enhancements in the executor, to the new compiler implementation.

[:en]A third track, dedicated to PHP7

At the end of the year, a major version of the language will be released. Perfect timing ! To celebrate this event, AFUP opens, for the first time in the history of the event, a third track dedicated to PHP7.
On Monday, November 23rd, all day long, a track will be dedicated to PHP7 : innovation, changes, progress, new possibilities…  Of course, we select the best speakers to present these talks : let’s invite the core-team ! The creator of the language Rasmus Lerdorf, Zeev Suraski, Ferenc Kovacs, Nikita Popov, Derick Rethans, Remi Collet, Anatol Belski, Kalle Sommer Nielsen, Julien Pauli, Bob Weinand and Pierre Joye.


Talks of 30 or 45 minutes by the best speakers during two days : there were no better way to celebrate PHP’s anniversary and the release of PHP7 !


KARMA IS MY HELL by Ferenc Kovács
Salle de commission 23/11/2015 09:30-10:00

A bit of history of the VCS systems, introducing the acl/karma system and the current repository setup and the special problems/unique challenges we had when migrating to git.

CONTRIBUTING TO PHP.NET by Kalle Sommer Nielsen
Salle de commission 23/11/2015 10:00-10:30 is an ever organic community and always welcomes new contributors. In this presentation we will take a closer look at what the inside of the community looks like and how you can contribute. We will look at the various projects within the umbrella, how to write tests, documentation and contributor resources.

THE PHP 7 STORY by Zeev Suraski
Amphitéâtre Moebius 23/11/2015 11:00-11:45

PHP 7 is literally right around the corner, and in fact should already be out by the time this session takes place! With the previous major release of PHP having happened more than a decade ago, this is a very exciting milestone in PHP’s history that promises to bring both far-reaching performance boosts for real world workloads and a host of new features. In this session, Zeev will share the evolution of PHP’s major versions, the behind-the-scenes story of how PHP 7 came to be and its key benefits and features.

Auditorium Lucienne et André Blin 23/11/2015 11:45-12:15

In this talk, I am explaining how we went from supporting a legacy driver for one language engine (PHP) to an architecture where multiple language engines are supported. This is the tale of the new MongoDB driver for PHP and HHVM. We started off with one massively complex (and legacy) driver. The goal was an easy to maintain extension. In our case that became a joint venture between core drivers (in C/C++), and a user-land supporting library in PHP. Because there are now other engines that run PHP, such as HHVM and PHP 7, the only real work that needs to be done for porting to a new engine is the basic core driver. This talk explains the choices, considerations and issues that we ran into while developing the driver to work with multiple engines; and our first steps supporting Facebook’s HHVM.

Salle de commission 23/11/2015 14:30-15:00

Comment fonctionne la collaboration entre les projects (upstream) et les distributions (downstream). – attente des distributions – bénéfice pour les projets – distribution des binaires (PHP, et les extensions PECL) – distribuer les bibliothèques PHP dans un monde dominé par composer a-t-il encore du sens – distribution en .phar, quand upstream fait le boulot de downstream – Koschei ou l’intégration continue de la pile PHP dans Fedora

Salle de commission 23/11/2015 15:00-15:30

This topic applies actually to any project retaining to be available cross platform. The talk occupies itself with how the interoperability question is handled in PHP. The primary focus lays on the low level differences between Linux/Windows. The expected audience are people interested to keep their PHP projects cross platform aware. As well – people interested on several internals details going under the carpet. As well – low level minded people like PHP extension or SAPI developers. Besides the general internal details, the recent changes to PHP7 in areas 64-bit support and thread safety are going to be addressed.

Amphitéâtre Moebius 23/11/2015 15:30-16:15

Ce sujet traite des détails techniques internes concernant les objets PHP. Que fait PHP lorsque je crée un objet ? Combien d’objets maximum puis-je créer ? Quelle mémoire PHP y alloue-t-il ? Quand est-ce que PHP libère la mémoire de mes objets ? Comment fonctionnent les classes et les traits ? Que dire des destructeurs d’objets ? Toutes ces questions trouveront réponse dans cette présentation ayant pour but de vous montrer ce qu’il se passe sous le capot lorsque vous manipulez vos frameworks préférés au jour le jour.

Amphitéâtre Moebius 23/11/2015 16:45-17:30

One of the main selling points of PHP 7 is greatly improved performance, with many real-world applications now running twice as fast… But where do these improvements come from? At the core of PHP 7 lies an engine rewrite with focus on improving memory usage and performance. This talk provides an overview of the most significant changes, briefly covering everything from data structure changes, over enhancements in the executor, to the new compiler implementation.
